Friday, June 02, 2006

The Right Sharp Tools

I'm a huge believer in having the right tool for the job. (Yesterday, when I found myself a few dozen sledgehammer swings into the removal of a stubborn old fence, I decided to spend the best $60 of my life. I rented a jackhammer.)

The gradefix dashboard needed cleaner looking task/class tags. Normally, I'd bust out photoshop, but I thought I'd give Pixen a try.

I heard about Pixen from the legendary feed and figured that this was the perfect job for it. I am pleasantly surprised at how swift, easy and intuitive it was to use. I whipped up cleaned up versions of the tags in no time.

Pixen is specifically designed for "small-scale or pixel art", and it shows. I found it particularly useful assigning different tools to the left and right mouse buttons - which cuts down on the palette jockeying. It is an amazing little tool to have, not to mention the fact that it is completely free and open source!

Overall, it felt like using a sharp, nimble hatched compared to the massive broad axe of Photoshop, when all I really needed was to precisely chop a few small branches.